#PostGopher is a #WordPressplugin that converts your #blogposts and pages into downloadable #PDFbooks
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#PostGopher is a #WordPressplugin that converts your #blogposts and pages into downloadable #PDFbooks

#Bloggers:Get More #Subscribers,Boost Engagement and Grab More #FreeTraffic!

#Postgopher is a #WordPressplugin that converts your #blogposts and #pages into downloadable #PDFbooks.


It builds beautiful forms, integrates directly with your autoresponder, captures leads and sends out download links on complete autopilot...

Automatically transform any blog post or page into a super targeted, high converting 'lead magnet' that's guaranteed to engage your readers.

It's easy... No more creating or setting up time consuming incentives...

Activate PostGopher and everything is fully automated and hands-free!

The system will send out a customizable email to your new subscriber with their download link.

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Generates Lead Capture Forms.

Make building landing pages a thing of the past...

No more worries about complex web form integrations or trying to mesh several (and often expensive) services together and put your list building on complete autopilot!


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